Well, if I haven't mentioned it before, Hogan loves swimming, which is awesome! The bad thing is that he especially loves swimming in JD and Lisa's swimming pool. At first it started with him falling in, but now he is going Air Jordan style into that thing. Because of his love for the pool I now owe Rachel, JD and Lisa's daughter, a new boogie board and a 7ft. killer whale. Hogan was freaked out by the whale because he thought it was always looking at him, so he bit a huge hole in it's tail. Anyway, I took Hogan out today and stayed with him to keep a close watch so he wouldn't go all BayWatch on me again. Just when I got distracted by a rollie polie, Hogan darts into the pool! Now I'm just watching him taunt me. He swims over to the edge and right when I lean over to get him he splashes away, leaving me soaked and pissed. I promise sometimes I can hear him laughing at me. So today, I take off the shirt and shoes and jump in after him. I lift him out and he jumps back in. We did that little routine...I don't know...five or six times. Again, I can just hear him laughing. When I finally got him out, I'm walking him up to the house and I noticed someone looking at me. I look over and it's Abraham Lincoln, on my five dollar bill, just sitting at the bottom of the pool. As I was swimming down to get it I could hear Hogan laughing again.